$ bzr clone http://bazaar.leonerd.org.uk/c/libvterm
$ cd libvterm
$ ls
LICENSE  Makefile  doc  include  src  t  tbl2inc_c.pl  vterm.pc.in
$ ls src
encoding    input.c   pen.c   screen.c  unicode.c  vterm.c
encoding.c  parser.c  rect.h  state.c   utf8.h     vterm_internal.h

Does that help?

--Andrew Hills

On Sat, May 5, 2012 at 2:04 PM, Ethan Grammatikidis <eeke...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 15:25:49 -0400
> Philip Kovac <pko...@cs.uml.edu> wrote:
>> Regarding one of the goals of 'st,' would the suckless crowd be
>> interested in resolving the current admitted shortcomings of 'st' by
>> rolling in a fairly tiny library called libvterm (bzr repo at
>> http://bazaar.leonerd.org.uk/c/libvterm) by Paul 'Leonerd' Evans
>> (http://www.leonerd.org.uk) for handling terminal parsing? I know that
>> the philosophy of suckless is to generally avoid unnecessary code, but
>> in this case libvterm has encapsulated a lot of knowledge about
>> terminal behavior that would prevent a large amount of duplication of
>> effort. I currently use it in a toy project called x86term
>> (https://github.com/pkovac/x86term) which implements a terminal
>> emulator on bare x86 iron, the binary size hasn't gotten too large,
>> and libvterm allowed me to basically immediately bring it to a usable
>> state once the barebones needed were in place. If any of this
>> interests the suckless community, the author of libvterm and myself
>> both have interest in porting 'st' to it.
>> Sincerely,
>>     Philip Kovac
> This interests me more than the st project itself but...
>> http://bazaar.leonerd.org.uk/c/libvterm
> Where in that forest of empty dirs is the code? I got an impression of
> a dead tree still standing, lol.

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