Hi all I just wondered if anyone has tried to adopt mkmk [1] to 9base and/or plan9port. In my (rather amateurish) attempts to port various stuff to plan9 [2], I have found mkmk to be a really great tool to make mkfiles for various packages that otherwise need autoconf etc...
I just read up on the sta.li page again and saw that mk is what is planned to be used for this system. If that is the case, I think mkmk could be a good complement to deal with packages expecting GNU stuff (autoconf, libtool, make). [1] steve/mkmk under fgb's contrib on Plan9. Mirrored at: http://code.google.com/p/ports2plan9/source/browse/#hg%2Fporting-tools%2Fmkmk [2] http://code.google.com/p/ports2plan9/