* Bjartur Thorlacius <svartma...@gmail.com> [2012-04-21 01:45]:
> On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 00:37:40 -0000, Nico Golde <n...@ngolde.de> wrote:
> >* Ivan Kanakarakis <ivan.ka...@gmail.com> [2012-04-20 01:54]:
> >>I think a nice thing to do that would also resolve the
> >>naming choice would be to have -k or some other argument
> >>mean that ii should read the -k flag as an env var. so
> >>  $ ii -k IRCPASS
> >>would getenv("IRCPASS"), and
> >>  $ ii -k OFTCPASS
> >>would getenv("OFTCPASS")
> >>etc
> >
> >I agree this is actually also a very nice solution! I will think about that a
> >little before I commit.
> >
> Environment variables are of course also visible using ps (probably ps e or 
> ps 
> -e, depending on your system, but I'm not on a unice to test atm).

Yes to your own user:
[nion@nybble:~$] ls -l /proc/$$/environ
-r-------- 1 nion nion 0 Apr 21 04:11 /proc/7661/environ
If you know any OS/version where this is different, don't use it ;)

Nico Golde - http://www.ngolde.de - n...@jabber.ccc.de - GPG: 0xA0A0AAAA
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