On 2012-04-19, at 17:54, Ivan Kanakarakis wrote:

> I guess some possible workarounds would be
> - reading the passwd from an environmental var (is that any safer?)
> - reading the passwd from a file (overkill ?)
> - ?
> what do you people think ?
> should this be 'fixed' in ii ?

$ ii &
$ cat ~/irc/freenode_login_script > ~/irc/irc.freenode.net/in

No need for the program to implement password support at all really.
Perhaps ii would suck less if this was just removed?

>> Mind, the password is sent in the clear, so anyone on the same network
>> segment, or otherwise in the way, can read it anyhow.
> true, does the ssl patch provide any encryption for that ?



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