Hi all,

Due to popular demand and being fed up with x11 core fonts, I've made
a new branch "xft". X11 core fonts are still used in the default
branch and this new branch is just an experiment. It might be merged
back in default depending on how things go.

As of now, the code is still a bit messy but it should work.

* the font can be set in config.h (XFT_FONT) or via the -f flag.
* the fonts usable on your system can be listed with $ fc-list : family
* the font format is <family>-<size> or <family>:size=<size>
* only works with mono-spaced fonts
* if a bad font name is given, a default one is used without any
err-ing (it's just how XftFontOpenName() works) so be careful.

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