Greetings, on #suckless there was a discussion how to improve svkbd to be more useful in a suckless tablet environment. Here is the TODO list.
# svkbd ## TODO * move svkbd repository to for hackers@ listing * fix button down passthrough bug (button up instead of down should be handled) * add way to specify return code in layout * add multiple layouts per instance, instead of assuming user to be able to copy with modes * add empty field support * add floating (as default) * -d (dock) * -t (toolbar) * add maximum width/height of layout, so it's not stretched, when used with docking support in dwm * scaling may be useful * add X geometry parsing instead of -wX (XParseGeometry(3)) I'm lacking some time, so people interested may take over. Mainly this is a reminder for wart_ and secondly to have some publicity for the suckless tablet efforts. Sincerely, Christoph Lohmann