Hi there again,

On 3 June 2011 17:35, garbeam <garb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> - 9libs
> - diri
> - genosite
> - gentoo
> - godwm
> - libdraw.old
> - make
> - stali-toolchain (this is outdated and better stuff is in the works)
> - wmii-2.5 (obsolete)
> - wmii-3 (obsolete)
> - wmii-3.5 (obsolete)
> - wmii-3.6 (obsolete)

I deleted those repos now.

> - last (google code) ??
> - libixp (google code) ??
> - r9p (google code) ??
> - vp (google code) ??
> - wmii (google code) ??
> - wmiirc-rumai (google code) ??
> - skvm (dunno, don't get it) ??

I would like to hear about the status. Are things started to relocate
those repos?

> @Kris: Please let me know how much time you need for the transition
> and if you need any help. I guess a transition could take a couple of
> months quite easily and requires some time on your side as well.

Any news on this please?


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