Any chance this fix makes into the official dwm release?
2011/6/15 Andreas Amann <>:
> On Wed, 15 Jun 2011 11:46:36 +0300, Julius Meldaikis <>
> wrote:
>> Hello. I have been using dwm for about two years and undergone many
>> version changes, but one bug always persisted. I am using the
>> following section in my xorg.conf to switch between English and
>> Lithuanian keyboard layouts:
>> Section "InputClass"
>> Identifier "Keyboard0"
>> MatchIsKeyboard "yes"
>> Option "XkbLayout" "us,lt"
>> Option "XkbOptions" "grp:caps_toggle,grp_led:num"
>> EndSection
>> Whenever I am using the Lithuanian keyboard layout, mouse click on
>> statusbar does nothing. That is, tags do not change as well as window
>> layouts when I click on respective places in statusbar. Everything
>> else in dwm and X works normally. That's also a bit surprising, since
>> dwm uses number keys to switch tags, and in Lithuanian layout numbers
>> are replaced by special Lithuanian letters. Even so, keyboard
>> shortcuts DO work, while mouse click on statusbar does not. Thanks for
>> help,
> This is an old bug. For a fix see