On Tue, 7 Jun 2011 12:45:10 +0100
Nick <suckless-...@njw.me.uk> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 12:39:53PM +0100, Guilherme Lino wrote:
> > never tried it, but i would like to. And i really support the idea because
> > there more trees falling in a day than growing in a year..
> I'm pretty sure if you make a case for ebook readers on
> environmental grounds you will fail. They use a lot of
> energy and resources (human and material) to produce.

I wonder if it would stack up any differently if ebook readers were built to 
last (and their owners bought them with that in mind). I'm not sure.. I think 
even the cheapest books will outlast the best batteries... I dunno. All I know 
for sure is I have some very cheap paperbacks which are at least 20 years old, 
and my ~5 year old Zaurus is also fine, apart from the iffy charging cable. 
I've read loads of ebooks on that Zaurus, all plain-text, fmt(1) used to fit 
them to 63 columns, a fixed-pitch bitmap font called neon of all things, and at 
230dpi it didn't even need anti-aliasing. Mostly I read them at night, but the 
screen was fine anywhere indoors.

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