There is a patch to support Xft somewhere (but it's slow). We have to
re-implement the GLYPH_DIRTY trick to speed the rendering.

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 3:46 PM, Le Tian <> wrote:
> Well, when I got tired of urxvt, aterm and xterm, I switched to "terminal"
> and then "sakura", both very lightweight and easy on your fonts, plus

sakura uses gtk and vte. It's not exactly lightweight.

> transparency support. In my opinion "st" seems like not very stable now,

If you found a bug, please report it. It's the only way we can fix it.

> moreover, it is slow, when comes to lines of code,

Rendering is slow, I'll give you that. But for normal, day-to-day
tasks, it's acceptable for me.
As for the lines of code, what about them?

> and btw, I'm not sure there are ppl out here who actually use it that much;)


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