On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 03:11:30PM -0400, Ross Mohn wrote:
>  Attached is another patch for madtty.c at the head of dvtm. This one
> adds support for backfilling text from the buffer when a window is
> resized with more rows. As an example, let's say you have a window
> filled with 70 rows of text, then you resize it to 34 rows. The new
> window will push the top 36 rows to the buffer and display just the
> bottom 34 rows. Now if you resize it back to 70 rows this patch will pop
> 36 rows of data out of the buffer and display 70 rows of text again.

That is a certainly a worthwhile feature, please resend a new version
of the patch when you ironed out the bugs you were mentioning in the
other mail.


 Marc Andre Tanner >< http://www.brain-dump.org/ >< GPG key: CF7D56C0

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