> Are you certain this happens with a clean tree and using sun4u OBJTYPE as 
> well?
> Please recheck with hg tip.

sdf1 % hg identify
e39eeddcc295+ tip

sdf1 % cat config.mk 
# Customize to fit your system

# paths
PREFIX      = /usr/local/plan9
MANPREFIX   = ${PREFIX}/share/man

VERSION     = 7
#OBJTYPE     = 386
#OBJTYPE     = arm
#OBJTYPE     = x86_64
OBJTYPE ?? ?? = sun4u

# Linux/BSD
#CFLAGS      += -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -c -I. 
CFLAGS      += -c -I. -DPREFIX="\"${PREFIX}\""
LDFLAGS     += -static

# Solaris
#CFLAGS      = -fast -xtarget=ultra -D__sun__ -c -I. -DPREFIX="\"${PREFIX}\""
#LDFLAGS     = -dn

# compiler
AR          = ar rc
CC          = cc
YACC        = ../yacc/9yacc

sdf1 % make
"config.mk", line 11: Need an operator
Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue

sdf1 % file config.mk 
config.mk: UTF-8 Unicode make commands text

When I replace config.mk with an otherwise identical, ASCII format file,
compilation is able to proceed, but it still dies in the same place as
noted in my original e-mail. This has been the same since the first time
I tried to compile sun4u early last year.

> The main reason I dislike using the host yacc is simply that it will
> pretty much diverge from Plan9's yacc.
> And hence I don't trust it to produce a compatible parser in most
> cases. For ex. does it produce a proper rc?

I've been using 9base compiled with the host's yacc for about a year
now and I've never run into any bugs. Rc seems to behave as expected.


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