On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 05:02:02PM +0200, Moritz Wilhelmy wrote:
> Excerpts from Anselm R Garbe's message of Tue Oct 19 15:14:15 +0200 2010:
> > If this is part of the fedora package I'd be very happy with this.
> I think that's what he's talking about
> Petr, as most users also need to patch dwm.c to make dwm fit their needs, this
> seems pointless to me... maybe you should also respect dwm.c if it's put in
> ~/.dwm?
> that way, one can also just extract the mainline tarball or clone the hg repo 
> in
> ~/.dwm and perform local modifications. I think it's the sanest way to package
> dwm (if at all)

Good point.

However, using a user dwm.c or cloned repo wouldn't respect the installed 
from the package manager perspective. But I could go for, say, ~/.dwm/patches
directory. Those would apply before every rebuild from the installed sources.


> Best regards,
> Moritz

Petr 'contyk' Sabata, Red Hat, Brno

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