Hey all, There's already "slpm" by pancake, which consists of 247 lines of shell script. But I figured I could do it in less. So I wrote mkpkg, consisting of 8 lines of shell script, which can install a package or clean the package cache. A package looks like this:
> dwm: dmenu > hg clone http://hg.suckless.org/dwm > cd dwm && make install You may have guessed, it uses makefiles to track dependencies. You could also define in the same package an uninstallation target, like "rm.dwm", which would do the reverse. I think it's a pretty neat solution: > #!/bin/sh > mkdir -p /var/cache/mkpkg && cd /var/cache/mkpkg && make -f - "$@" << . > all: > @ echo usage: mkpkg [package] > > clean: > @ echo cleaning package cache > @ rm -fr /var/cache/mkpkg > > include /usr/share/mkpkg/* > . I've also attached an arball, including mkpkg and 3 packages. It's pretty dumb, but I thought it deserved a mention. Thanks, cls
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