Hello list! I would really like to use the 'custom completion' feature documented in the man page of wimenu-3.9.2, just as in the provided example:
> Let's assume that a script would like to provide a menu with > completions first for a command name, then for arguments to that > command. Unfortunately the example script given there goes far beyond my skills. I have copied and pasted it in a file ~/wim. Then 'sh wim' does exactly what is expected (fortunately enough I didn't have any important file called 'fifo' in my home directory ;)) except that once I have selected something, for example 'foo 1', and pressed Return, I would like to recover the string 'foo 1' in order to do something with it. Instead of this wim quits silently and I haven't found a way to recover the selected string. Any hint? By the way, is it intended to add to dmenu a similar feature (and also the -S option of wimenu)? I'm asking this because at my office wmii is not available (there is no wmii package in fedora) thus I'm using i3 with dmenu instead. On the other hand the vertical mode of dmenu is much more comfortable than the horizontal mode of wimenu on the small screen of my laptop… Regards, LuX.