Cant this be done with a wraper shellscript ? Messing with gnu ld is
like a near death experience.
Using r2libs can also be possible.. But would be more complex than a
few loc shellscript.
That's what libtool does ( between many other silly things) which we
dont need, and certainly i would prefer to be cmpiler agnostic and be
able to use tcc or llvm.
Inthe other side u can do this by specifying --enable-static and --
dudable-shared in any prj using autofools (webkit, X11 ..)
I dont get the point with the 'tee like'
On Jul 31, 2010, at 10:12 PM, Anselm R Garbe <> wrote:
Hi Krankkatze,
On 31 July 2010 19:43, Krankkatze <> wrote:
I'm very interested in the project and would like to know if
project is still active or not, and if any help could be brought.
It's inactive atm, but I did plenty work in the area that is
still unpublished, also because I did some sort of it at work.
I plan to resolve the issues during the next weeks and will provide an
update by then.
Help is definitely welcome, particularly in the area of patching ld in
order to produce static libraries when shared objects are requested in
a tee-like fashion and to statically link executables when shared
objects are supplied. I started some ld patches a while ago, but they
are half way, but I'm happy to provide them on request.