Exactly what´s needed for an über simple buffer editor. I´d love being
able to write <69 /bin/bufed "/bin/tee $HOME/out"> (with /bin/bufed
being a program that reads stdin into a buffer, allows a user to edit
it, and then dumps it on stdout).

How can that be achieved with iosrv/hubfs? What is hubfs?

On 7/15/10, yy <yiyu....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Maybe you want to have a look at iosrv and hubfs by mycroftiv (see
> http://www.9gridchan.org/). They offer a similar functionality to your
> project (what's the new name?), the biggest difference is that they
> run on plan9 and, therefore, the ends of the pipe are served as a 9p
> fs.
> --
> - yiyus || JGL . 4l77.com

  - Bjartur

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