I switched my main computer to Windows XP a while ago to play some
games, and was frustrated with the lack of simple usable IRC clients
(among other applications). So I decided to write my own. Since I didn't
want to mess with Visual Studio and complicated GUI toolkits, I decided
to write it in python using the standard Tkinter library. The result is
merp: a simple, cross-platform, graphical,
options-dialogs-toolbars-icons-click-okay-to-continue-free irc client.
The source is just under 700 lines and poorly written, as it was only
meant to be a prototype. I was hoping to get some feedback on the
interface design, so if anyone has a few moments to spare, your testing
experience would be much appreciated.
You can download the current source at
You'll need python 2.6 to run it. It should work in both windows and
linux, and probably anything else that runs python. Please look at the
readme.txt file, as otherwise merp might be a little confusing to use at