I noticed that ii was sending a PART command when leaving a privmsg
channel with another user. This patch just checks that the channel is
in fact an IRC channel before sending the PART command. I hope this is

< 			if(buf[2] == ' ' && strlen(buf)>=3)
< 				snprintf(message, PIPE_BUF, "PART %s :%s\r\n", c->name, &buf[3]);
< 			else
< 				snprintf(message, PIPE_BUF,
< 						"PART %s :ii - 500 SLOC are too much\r\n", c->name);
< 			write(irc, message, strlen(message));
> 			if(c->name[0] == '#' || c->name[0] == '&' || c->name[0] == '+' || c->name[0] == '!') {
> 				if(buf[2] == ' ' && strlen(buf)>=3)
> 					snprintf(message, PIPE_BUF, "PART %s :%s\r\n", c->name, &buf[3]);
> 				else
> 					snprintf(message, PIPE_BUF,
> 							"PART %s :ii - 500 SLOC are too much\r\n", c->name);
> 				write(irc, message, strlen(message));
> 			}

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