I was quite happy when i read about linenoise..but after reading the code.. 

how can somebody say that such code can replace readline? It just read lines
and supports history. nothing more, there's no autocompletion and does not works
on windows.

Some years ago I wrote 'dietline' which works on windows, osx, linux, bsd.. 
scape codes, supports autocompletion, history and it's about 700LOC It really
needs some work to have a standarized way to autocomplete (i didnt really liked
the readline way).

dietline is now in r2 renamed as r_line. If somebody feels bored and wants to
finish the autocompletion callback, just ping me.

If i would just wanted to have history i could probably do it in 50LOC.

On Thu, 24 Jun 2010 09:55:27 -0700
Evan Gates <evan.ga...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 5:26 AM, Ethan Grammatikidis
> <eeke...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> >
> > On 24 Jun 2010, at 07:10, anonymous wrote:
> >
> >> Works nice, but with 9term it is possible to move cursor and edit
> >> line.  If you don't want to use readline (because of license), you can
> >> use libedit from BSD.
> >
> > Or linenoise[1], which sucks vastly less than either. :)
> >
> > [1] http://github.com/antirez/linenoise
> >
> > It's a single C file of 432 lines as opposed to libedit's 20k and readline's
> > 30k, and works with perhaps > 99% of the terminals still in use, as nearly
> > all terminals respect vt100 escape codes. I was introduced to it the other
> > day when looking for something to make rc usable on a machine where 9term
> > just isn't working out, one way or another.
> >
> >
> Quick clarification, srw does not use readline, it uses the ansi
> escape codes and is as of this writing 143 sloc according to
> sloccount.
> linenoise seems interesting, I'll have to check it out.
> -emg

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