On 17 Jun 2010, at 02:04, Will Light wrote:

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 9:34 AM, David Tweed <david.tw...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 2:56 AM, Will Light <visi...@gmail.com> wrote:
 but the notion of a browser-based terminal
for a local machine just seems ridiculous...and that's a mild example!
 a browser-based music sequencer or video editor, for example, is so
far off that it's just impractical.

Just to provide some context: this probably isn't the fully featured
video editor that you were talking about, and it appears not to use
NaCl but do everything remotely, but clearly a web-based video editor


yeah, I'm aware that the stuff exists.  just earlier today I was doing
quite a bit of fiddling around with the current version of audiotool
(http://www.audiotool.com/), and it's pretty cool.  the potential is
definitely there, but the point I'm trying to make is that these
things are constantly playing catch-up.  the feature set that these
browser-based apps are seeking to duplicate is the sort of stuff that
was novel, say...10 years ago, but it's nothing groundbreaking from
the standpoint of a professional music producer.  perhaps these apps
will end up replacing the entry-level stuff like garageband or iMovie,
but I think they will be hard-pressed to unseat Cubase, ProTools, or
even newcomers like REAPER.


The cynic in me just wants to say that web apps will catch up much quicker than anyone expects, because operating systems will accumulate so much junk so fast that soon no-one will be able to see the performance difference.

That said, the realist in me recognises that people in general are getting fed up with the suck, sufficiently so that the giant Microsoft pulled a U-turn.

Complexity is not a function of the number of features. Some features exist only because complexity was _removed_ from the underlying system.

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