That did cause some reactions.

The reason why I brought this up is because I for a year have been
working on a personal project named Brevity, and I have been
experimenting with the idea of basing an OS on a web browser engine on
top of Linux.

But that’s not the goal of the OS – it’s just one possible way to
reach the goal. The technical goal is to have a system with as clean
architecture as possible. For the user, the goal is to have a UI that
doesn’t get in the way. I have been playing around with MVC patterns
in native DOM JavaScript (by that I mean that I don’t use libraries)
for some time, but issues such as JavaScript not having an
import-statement has made me look for workarounds. I’m not sure if
it’s worth it. Judging from the the general opinion of this
discussion, it’s definitely not worth it. :)

So I’m not sure what will happen to my project. I’d really just like
to have my computer as simple as possible. I love dwm because of its
simplicity, and right now I would like to have the same kind of
simplicity in the lower layers.

Best regards,

Alexander Teinum

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