David Engster wrote:
Robert Ransom writes:
On Thu, 20 May 2010 14:51:37 +0200
David Schmid <i...@david-schmid.de> wrote:
Measures tried:
- resetting PATH, since make calls /bin/sh and not sh it is never
looked up there
- setting BINSH or SHELL to /bin/bash won't work either.
- Asking for help at #suckless did not come up with immediate solution.
I just tried "SHELL=/bin/echo make foo.o" on a system with GNU
userland, and no luck -- GNU make won't help unless you patch it.
GNU make will never set the shell from the environment.
I've built wmii on Solaris without problems using
gmake SHELL=/bin/bash
Hello David,
you mentioned you compiled wmii successfully on Solaris.
Could it be, that Solaris 10 does not have Xutf8* functions?
That's the only thing LD is missing right now and I can't find the libs
to link it against.
Do I have to patch all the UTF-8 functions (like
Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList to XmbTextPropertyToTextList) or what did
you do?