Oh dear how bad has my english to be since nobody is understanding me right. *g*

Well second approach. Currently I'm using the following code to
generate my statusbar:

#set statusbar
while true
   if acpi -a | grep off-line > /dev/null; then
       xsetroot -name "Bat. $( acpi -b | awk '{ print $4 " " $5 }' |
tr -d ',' ) | Vol. $(amixer get Master | tail -1 | awk '{ print $5}' |
tr -d '[]') | $(date +"%a, %b %d %R")"
       xsetroot -name "Vol. $(amixer get Master | tail -1 | awk '{
print $5}' | tr -d '[]') | $(date +"%a, %b %d %R")"
   sleep 1s
done &

The point is now that I want to extend exactly this statusbar to
display the layout I'm using, so either 'de' or 'pl'.

So no, I don't want to get rid of it.

Please say you understand what I intend. :)



2010/5/27 Anselm R Garbe <ans...@garbe.us>:
> Hi Robert,
> On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 09:32:21PM +0200, orsch...@googlemail.com wrote:
>> I'm looking for a possibility to display the used layout (in my case
>> either de or pl) via xsetroot in the statusbar of dwm.
>> Do you have any idea how to achieve that?
> You could add a one-liner in setlayout() to output the layout character to
> stdout and redirect that to some file that your status script is reading in.
> However I can't see the point why you'd want that? Getting rid of the bar
> altogether?
> Cheers,
>        Anselm

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