On 05/25/10 15:24, Josh Rickmar wrote:
On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 11:36:28AM +0200, Claudio M. Alessi wrote:
On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 04:06:00PM -0400, Josh Rickmar wrote:
Also, is there a better way of doing cookies then wget? As an (Open)BSD
user, I'd like to use something in base (I did install wget though to
test to make sure that wasn't the download problem above).
IIRC you can use ftp(1) for HTTP requests.
Thanks, I knew about (and use) ftp(1), but didn't think it would work
with cookies. However, after checking the manpage, I see that it does
support them with the -c flag.
Why dont distribute a shellscript that gets URL+cookie as arguments,
and let the users implement their own methods like using wget, ftp,
curl, firefox* or whatever
* = yeah, using surf for browsing and firefox for download is the most
retarded idea i can think of xD.. but surely..opening xterm or having
a way to display all wgets in a single xterm would be good (dvtm?)
Having a suckless download manager can be good. just few locs in sh.