On Mon, 24 May 2010 15:08:49 +0200
Davide Anchisi <danch...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to build wmii 3.9 using "make deb", but it does not work.
> It just report: make: *** [deb] Error 1
> While "make deb"  DO work in building hg2631.

Sorry. All of my debian builds happen on the Ubuntu build farm. I don't
run debian myself, so it's a bit hard to test these things. I'll fix
the Makefile, but have you tried the Ubuntu PPA? It should work fine on


Kris Maglione

The wireless telegraph is not difficult to understand.  The ordinary
telegraph is like a very long cat.  You pull the tail in New York, and
it meows in Los Angeles.  The wireless is the same, only without the
        --Albert Einstein

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