On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 02:57:49PM +0300, Dmitry Maluka wrote: > On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 01:24:46PM +0200, pancake wrote: > > 2) > > syntax is not following the suckless style, I would prefer to have all > > source > > files in suckless following the same rules. > > To me it's a silly limitation. The style is clean and uniform across the > program, that's all what's needed.
Looks a bit like Allman style, where Suckless uses a combination of GNU and K&R. Don't see it as a limitation, getting a uniform look isn't that much work and doesn't create confusion for programmers. -- Marvin Vek - fprintf (stderr, "Not ELF nor a.out. Don't blame me. "); linux-2.6.19/arch/sparc64/boot/piggyback.c