On 5/17/10, julien steinhauser <julien.steinhau...@orange.fr> wrote:
> I guess you have good reasons to have your own context menu,
> but the default gtk one with the underlined letters
> is keyboard friendlier to me as one just need to hit
> the underlined letter to select an entry.

I've been wondering about the context menu too, because usually when
you right click in a GTK text area there is a sub-menu to choose which
GTK input method you'd like to use. I think that it's in the context
menus by default in GTK..? Anyhow, sometimes I need to switch to VIQR
(Vietnamese) input  just to type a quick message, and then I go back
to the default input method. It would be nice if that input method
submenu was visible in the context menus in surf.

- John

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