On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 09:09:09PM -0400, Ersin Akinci wrote:
>    You're correct, my intentions are quite different and have nothing at all
>    to do with performance concerns.  I'm trying to manifest a certain
>    aesthetic vision: I like the act of downloading static binaries and
>    deleting them without worrying about dependencies, complicated directory
>    structures, etc.  stali's web page also implies that the goal isn't just
>    completely focused on performance, especially when you read the proposed
>    directory structure (i.e., "/proc: linux stuff").

Slightly of topic with this, but I've tried to run statifier on the
surf binary (from my archlinux virtual machine) to generate a psuedo
statically linked blob, it sort of works if the target distro that you
intend to run the binary on is using a new enough glibc.  I ran into
all sorts of backward compatibility issues with threading when I tried
to run the psuedo statically linked blob on a rhel5 like system (older

it's not really static linking that I tried but its close to some of
your goals i think. anyway the blob i got was about 80megs in size
when it was outputted from statifier.


Jimmy Tang
Trinity Centre for High Performance Computing,
Lloyd Building, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland.

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