
On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 11:54:15PM +0000, Connor Lane Smith wrote:
> On 30 March 2010 23:35, Connor Lane Smith <c...@lubutu.com> wrote:
> > I thought it would be nice for certain programs (like surf) to spawn
> > dmenu within its own borders. It turns out this is actually very
> > simple. The attached patch uses the argument '-w'. Hopefully it could
> > be of use to someone else.
> Actually here's an even simpler way (4 lines). This takes the argument
> '-e xid', where xid is the window it will nest into.
> cls

This is nice.  What would be even nicer is if dmenu stole mouse/kb
control only for the window in question, so you could switch to another
window/tag and leave it open while looking up part of a url or


Sean Whitton / <s...@silentflame.com>
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