On Thu, Mar 04, 2010 at 01:44:04PM +0100, pancake wrote:

> why do you need TTF? font rendering is a really complex stuff, in dwk
> we were only planning to support monospaced fonts, calculate sizes
> with changing size of fonts is really complex and cpu-intensive task and
> i dont think it matters to the user.
no, sorry

In non-uriel style, yes, font rendering is horribly complicated and an
entirely fucked up discipline, but I don't think a "real" widget set can
skip out on it. Bitmap fonts are fine for programming (and I even use it
for web browsing when it's dark and I switch the theme to
white-on-black), but often sub-pixel tuned ttf is just more comfortable
to read.

Actually I wrote a similar widget set that I use in frtplot
(frtplot.port70.net), straight C and everything, and.. it only does
bitmap font rendering (no Unicode though). But I wouldn't want to use it
for software that isn't exclusively for programmers..


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