Current bugtrackers sucks.
The linker proposal, looks interesting, but i dont get the idea at all,
i would do it if i get bored somewhile..but i can't trick google to say
that i'm a student. Is your idea to create a static bin from a shared one?
There's a program called 'staticify' or something like this that does it.
Do somebody checked 'bug'? a simple todo/bugtracker for commandline?
Another topic I would like to open is about 'suckless games'. Recently
I have discovered 'jvgs' and 'ledboy' which bring me some fun and think
about minimalistic games with fun inside, originality and clean code.
The problem here for example..is that jvgs is c++ with stupid dependencies
like lua or cmake, ledboy is just hardware, most of games are bloated,
with silly graphics and big media stuff, but lacking any kind of
simplicity and
clean code on it.
Sure, there are bsdgames, and few years ago I wrote 'pag' a platform
arcade game in text mode..but the code I wrote 10 years ago sucks..
About the distro I think it requires so many stuff on it, so at this moment
I think is more important to push partial projects before working on stali.
Anselm R Garbe wrote:
Another idea that I'd like to push this year is the creation of a
suckless issue tracking/bug tracking system. All existing systems suck
and it is still a burden for projects and small businesses to track
bugs or customer issues in less sucking ways. The existing
alternatives are all a big desgrace, can't speak of those commercial
ones, but I guess they ain't any better than the floss ones.
Approaches like trac do too many things, and hence fail at doing issue
tracking right. A friend pointed me to the debian bug tracking system
(http://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-refcard) and I must admit I kind of
like parts of it.
I think it is a strong requirement for a decent issue tracker to have
a decent mail integration, people don't want to use hairy web
interfaces and developers or customer relation staff doesn't wants to
use them either -- RT for instance is good in the mail integration,
but it does too many things and has a bad web interface that really
Kind regards,