Hi all,

sometimes it is unavoidable to use floating windows, for example pop
most error messages up as this. However, if I drag a floating window
around (for me: Alt+Left mouse key) and it closes itself within that
time, wmii can crash. I use wmii wmii-hg2594 and sunaku's Ruby wmiirc.
Sunaku proposed a crash recovery in his Readme, but this does not work

I see this behavior for example often occur with e-mail sending status
notification. That is a floating window with a progress-bar which closes
itself when the e-mail is sent (progress-bar reaches 100%). If I drag
this window around and meanwhile it closes I end up with a window with
same size and position as the closed one, but without content (all, but
the title bar, is in background color).  Now "killing" from context menu
or xkill does not get those things to close, thus "slaying" (from
context menu) is the only option. But if I do this, wmii crashes and I
am back at the login screen. Have you any idea what the preblem could
be? (or if it is even a wmii problem).


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