> You idiots keep missing the point: if you need to change the colors to > improve your productivity then either the original colors were totally > broken and the developer that picked them should get a clue and fix > them, or your brain is broken, and you should stop using computers if > you can't deal with sane colors. > > One has to wonder by what miracle of god people managed to work for > centuries without being able to change the color of their pens and > papers!
An example: I find apps with a white background a problem. A white background is shining a light from your monitor into your eyes, it's a bit like trying to read a book outside in direct sunshine, the book is too bright. Most people seem to prefer a white background as it's natural but I appreciate an option to make it black. BTW do you talk to people like this you meet on a day to day basis? You make some good points but your choice of language makes you loose a lot of gravitas.