On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 10:34:47PM -0500, Samuel Baldwin wrote: > 2010/1/18 Jacob Todd <jaketodd...@gmail.com>: > > "I heard they made a sport out of gcc, it's called gentoo or something" > > -Uriel > > > > I use Gentoo and Plan 9. > > Has anyone made gentoo work with anything besides gcc, like pcc or tcc? > > -- > Samuel Baldwin - logik.li > I used to have a chroot of funtoo that used clang. I didn't try building X with it, but most things compiled fine. I think coreutils and svn were some of the things that didn't compile, but nothing of value was lost ;). I'll have to try it out again one day.
-- Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.
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