On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 02:10:55AM +1100, Jessta wrote:
> It's good to note that Apple has been putting lots of effort in to the
> llvm c compiler (clang) because it parsers header files much faster
> than gcc and the current way Apple does includes is to have one
> include file that includes everything else you'd ever need.
> Which is kind of insane.
> - jessta
> -- 
> =====================
> http://jessta.id.au
"Carbon.h is a monster: it transitively includes 558 files, 12.3M of
code, declares 10000 functions, has 2000 struct definitions, 8000
fields, 20000 enum constants, etc (see slide 25+ of the [1]clang talk for
more information). It is also #include'd into almost every C file in a
GUI app on the Mac, so its compile time is very important."

Do not want.

Government is the great fiction through which everybody
endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.

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