because I don't relish the idea of rebuilding them every time. djp
- [dev] wmii can save settings on close, can't it ? David J Patrick
- Re: [dev] wmii can save settings on close, can't it... Kris Maglione
- Re: [dev] wmii can save settings on close, can'... David J Patrick
- Re: [dev] wmii can save settings on close, ... Yannic Haupenthal
- Re: [dev] wmii can save settings on clo... David J Patrick
- Re: [dev] wmii can save settings o... Yannic Haupenthal
- Re: [dev] wmii can save settin... djp
- Re: [dev] wmii can save se... Yannic Haupenthal
- Re: [dev] wmii can save se... markus schnalke
- Re: [dev] wmii can save se... Kris Maglione
- Re: [dev] wmii can save se... Yannic Haupenthal