On Nov 10, 2009, at 7:14 AM, Kurt H Maier <karmaf...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 4:49 PM, pancake <panc...@youterm.com> wrote:
 - mbox: 150 LOC
 - mdir: 80 LOC

Please consider supporting mbox/mdir access over ssh.  This was the
one redeeming feature of sup[1], but of course they broke it and have
inexplicably left it broken for years in the source.  ssh+maildir
obviates imap and pop3.

Prefixing any dmc-(your-mailbox-formt-here) with ssh should be enought. Because the program will run on the other side and you just need STD(inouterr)

So you can bypass firewalls easily using an ssh conection.

Sending mails:
- Only msmtp is supported atm. But !mail and native smtp
 protocols will be supported at some point (0.2)

Why?  Either the system will have a properly configured MTA, or else
something like msmtp is the answer.  Mail clients should *manage*
mail, and leave delivery&transport to another tool.

When I said !mail I was refering to use the local mta. The support for it requires few changes on the current code. This will be ready for 0.1

# Kurt H Maier

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