> there's no way to put ssh into a line mode as can be done with > telnet. Looks like it is problem of ssh, not terminal emulator.
- [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature request John A. Grahor
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature request Sebastian A. Liem
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature request Anonymous
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature request Anselm R Garbe
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature request Moritz Wilhelmy
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature req... Anselm R Garbe
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature req... Kris Maglione
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature request John Yates
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature request hiro
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature req... Robert C Corsaro
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature... pancake
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) feature... Mark Edgar
- Re: [dev] [st] a real (I think) fe... Moritz Wilhelmy