On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 10:32 PM, Aled Gest <himse...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> People who support dumb things run the risk of mockery.  I'd rather
>> get burned for suggesting something stupid than have this list turn
>> into a politically-correct hugbox support forum for the criminally
>> inept.  If you don't like it, go hang out on another mailing list.
> Well if you really want me to make a point about how people who are
> needlessly belligerent on inappropriate threads are evidently
> incompetent at life, that's fine. I could have a field day nitpicking
> the psychology of people who overcompensate for their own inferiority
> by directing disproportionate aggression towards hapless randoms who
> dare to suggest naive ideas. I just think development threads are more
> productive when socially inept morons aren't derailing conversations
> with fruitless personal attacks. You understand the inherent pitfalls
> of fallacious behavior right?

You are learning well... the dark side of the force is strong with you.

(Ok, I suck at quoting Star Wars, whatever, it is a retarded film anyway ;P)

>> You want your terminal emulator to replace xmessage?  Really?
> No, I want a terminal emulator that can behave like a terminal
> emulator. Last time I checked xmessage wasn't a terminal emulator.

Then buy yourself a typewriter.


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