On 29-10-2009 09:26:00, Jacob Todd wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 01:27:53PM +0100, Tadeusz Sośnierz wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Few reports from me:
> > 1) Don't know what's the reason, but typing address like
> > 'www.google.com,' (with the comma at the end) is causing surf to act
> > weird.
> What would you expect it todo, you added a comma to a url. And saying 'is
> causing surf to act weird' is very vague. What did it cause surf to do?

Well, as far as I can see, looks like surf is trying to display an error
and load the page at the same time, which goes in a loop. I believe the
error itself would be nice, still it isn't very urgent thing, as no one
sane types , at the end of an url on purpose. And full urls with commas
in the middle work well, so it's not really annoying.


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