On Thu, 22 Oct 2009, Julien Steinhauser wrote:
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 02:42:49PM +0200, pancake wrote:
Btw I still find necessary the contextual menu to get URL of image, URL
of link .. Download in a separated window/client/app.
I totally agree, it was a good feature that I would also welcome back.
At the moment the two lower items of the context menu :
Paste URI and Copy URI are doing pretty much the same as ctrl-y ctrl-p but are
IMHO not as convenient as the keybindings, replacing these two items
with something like "Download linked file" and "Copy link" would be more
I second this. It took me a moment to realize not only that said Paste
URI/Copy URI items didn't do what you propose and then to realize that, as
far as a quick glance to the codebase allowed, surf has no way of doing
this. But it is an obvious need: sometimes you want to cut into x buffer
the link's url without actually navigating to the site, e.g.\ when you want
to navigate to the site via wget or some other agent.