On 2009-10-13, Robert C Corsaro <rcors...@optaros.com> wrote:
> Eduardo Cavazos wrote:
>> Hello,
>> cons-wm is a window manager written in Ypsilon Scheme. It is minimalist
>> and experimental.
> [snip]
>>     http://proteus.freeshell.org/cons-wm-2009-10-11-a.png
>> I'm not trying to compete with the legendary DWM here. Just sharing an
>> experiment with folks who might be interested in this sort of thing.
> Am I correct in thinking this is a WIMPy wm?  If so, you are wise not to
> compete here.

No, you're not correct. The nasty gnomishness is just some gunk that
needs to be cleaned off. The WM is in the Xephyr window.

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