On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 12:23 AM, Ammar James <lone.no...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All you people who are against transparency are like all those BSD
> folk on Freenode who troll you for wanting a colorized ls output.
> Unbelievable.

I agree.  How else do they expect me to see my half-naked anime ninja
cat-girl wallpaper?  I mean I know I can mousewheel the opacity down
if I hover on the titlebar, but sometimes that's just too much work!
Plus I can't afford the context-switching; that just slows down my dev
work on my php-powered social networking project for school.  Aside
from that, I need to get *quick* access to my 800x600-pixel conky
status display -- I like to manually type 'sync' just to watch the i/o
number spike for a second. Anyway it's late and my mom just IMed me to
go to bed, so I'll just fire this e-mail off and get psyched about the
upcoming Windows 2000 release.  It's a good thing I'm a teenager in
the late nineties, because otherwise I sure would feel dumb for caring
so much about wasteful stupid garbage like terminal transparency!

# Kurt H Maier

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