Does anyone know a way to retrieve the current download and upload
speed/rate for a particular interface for display in the status bar?

My current .xinitrc contains:

CPU="`uptime | sed -n 's/.*: //; s/, .*// p'`"
MEM="`free -m|grep \"buffers/cache\"|awk '{print $3}'`M"
DAT="`date \"+%m/%d %H%M\"`"
    xsetroot -name "${CPU} | ${MEM} | ${DAT}"

Which renders something like:
0.22 | 763M | 10/09 0147

I'd like the status bar to also indicate the current transfer rates,
something along the lines of:
0.22 | 763M | 137.2 KB/s Up - 344.8 KB/s Down | 10/09 0147

I prefer avoiding anything like 'conky' if possible.


Guy P.

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