On Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 02:01:59PM -0400, Steven Blatchford wrote:
> On 17:11 Wed 07 Oct, Szabolcs Nagy wrote:
> >On 10/7/09, Илья Илембитов <ilembi...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> >> A suggestion was made to revisit a bookmarking system. I was thinking about
> >> it and here is my suggestion: what if basically do not just bookmark pages?
> >
> >imho the main issue is the ease of use (ie adding/retrieving/removing
> >links easily), downloading the entire site or just keeping a link is a
> >secondary question
> >
> >adding links to a list can be made easy (eg a single middle click),
> >but recalling which url meant what is not that easy (with tabs the
> >list is already visible, with favicons and title +one can remember the
> >position of a link in the list)
> >
> >> 1. one page opened, all others stored to disk
> >
> >yes, but the question is how do you manage those links
> >they will have obscure name, no context or tags
> vimperator handles this with 'buffers'.  Pressing 'b' gives a list like:
> 1: BashGuide - Greg's Wiki #  http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide
> 2: UsingFind - Greg's Wiki #  
> http://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind#Searching_based_on_times
> 3: Arch Linux Forums / Post your .vimrc #  
> http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=62748
> 4: dotfiles/.vimrc - rsontech.net #  http://rsontech.net/dotfiles/.vimrc
> 5: Google Calendar #  http://www.google.com/calendar/render?hl=en&tab=wc
> 6: dotfiles/.fonts.conf - rsontech.net #  
> http://rsontech.net/dotfiles/.fonts.conf
> 7: create group vim color - Google Search #  
> http://www.google.ca/search?ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&as_qdr=y&q=create%20group%20vim%20color
> Minus the favicons, could be accomplished with dmenu?

I was going to suggest something like that. Maybe a shift+click on a url
to add it to a file, and then use dmenu to either have surf go to the
url (don't know how that would work, this is theoretical), or spawn a
new instance of surf that opens in the new url.

I did something like this with uzbl a while back, but instead of sending
the url to a file, I had dmenu list which uzbl instances were open with
xprop. The only problem was I never figured out how to focus the
selected instance. I'll have to look at it again later.

Jake Todd
// If it isn't broke, tweak it!

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