On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Robert Latest <boblat...@googlemail.com> wrote: > But at work I'm sadly forced to use a Windows PC, but to do real work > I've installed a Cygwin environment.
I had the same problem at work, but thankfully they gave me a second desktop on which I installed Ubuntu Linux. I run wmii on the Ubuntu machine and use the `rdesktop` program to essentially "VNC" into to my Windows machine. If your workplace won't give you a second machine, I would recommend: * make friends with someone in IT to give you a static IP and "look the other way" about you having a non-Windows machine ;-) * bring in an old desktop / laptop or buy a cheap netbook * install your favorite OS that is capabale of running wmii * connect your Windows machine's monitor to your wmii machine * `rdesktop` from wmii into your Windows machine (which is now headless) Finally, enjoy blissful wmii productivity! Cheers.