Hi all,

I did not had time to thank you all for your answers on the thread
concerning LaTeX and typesetting systems.
I finally solved my issue, it was a problem with epstopdf and convert
from imagemagick.
When I have an eps picture with some dimensions,
=> on the computer at my work, convert conserve the dimensions of the
picture while epstopdf does not. It resizes the picture to A4 format.
=> At home my computer does exactly the contrary, epstopdf does
conserve dimensions while convert does not. It resizes the picture to
A4 format.
I use convert and epstopdf without arguments except the filenames, so
I don't why this behavior ! (Maybe cause I was stone or drunk or both

$ convert mypic.eps mypic.pdf
$ epstopdf mypic.eps
On both PCs.

Maybe there is a difference between versions I don't know and I have
not searched deeper.
At home I have Archlinux and at work CentOS.

But anyway, the eps->pdf trick is not the main subject of my post.

I have seen on the suckless project ideas webpage that you wish to
have a "Yet another less sucking editor" (= YALSE ? or LSED ? or FALSE
? why not ?).

What features should be included in YALSE ?
I do NOT want to begin a troll about VI vs EMACS vs WHATEVER.

Does YALSE have to support

=> a plugin system ? extensions ? scripting language (LUA ?) ? (so one
can embed a terminal within YALSE)
=> syntax highlighting ?
=> tabs ? many buffers ?
=> only basic features : cut, copy, paste, search, replace, inserting
other text files ?
=> block selection ?
=> an (optional ?) GUI ?
=> ASCII only ? or UTF-8? and all? or many? character encodings ?
=> several modes like vi ? or like EMACS ? or an hybrid ? or like
another editor ? vile ? nano ? (maybe the troll-able part)
=> costumizable shortcuts ?
=> when pushing the down button, should YALSE go to the next visible
line or to the next real line ?

Can YALSE depend on

=> ncurses ?
=> strictly nothing ?
=> a limited number of LOC ?
=> others libs ?

A good start could be the basic features : cut, copy, paste, search,
replace, inserting other text files plus block selection and only one
file at a time ?

What is your opinion ?

Kind regards.

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