On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 05:26:55PM -0600, Jack Woehr wrote:
> And for your delectation: Conversation with Anselm R. Garbe of
> suckless.org 
> <http://dobbscodetalk.com/index.php?option=com_myblog&show=Conversation-with-Anselm-R.-Garbe-of-suckless.org.html&Itemid=29>
Definitely an interesting read. Thanks for the post.

Just curious as to the arguments against OO programming. All the classes
I have taken in uni always trumpet OO. I have been using it ever since
but I do agree that it can get out of hand at times.

My question is that, there are some approaches that 'seem'
easier/logical to implement with OO, how does one approach this in a not
OO way?

Hope that made some sense..

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