On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:56 PM, QUINTIN
Guillaume<coincoin1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you guys know a (working) typesetting system other than latex ?
> And a good soft to make presentations ?

A key point is: do you need to typeset complicated mathematical
expressions? I'm not aware of anything that has such good built-in
support for automatically typesetting complicated mathematical
expressions and fonts containing the symbols as the TeX family. (Using
MathML is, I gather, capable of giving the same results but more
complicated.) Any wysiwyg thing based on selecting and fine-tuning
character and operator positions with the mouse WILL drive you crazy
when you decide to change notation in a large part of your document
for consistency reasons. Most powerpoint presentations that involve
math tend to use programs that create graphic images of equations
rendered by TeX code; never seen many OpenOffice presentations to know
if they do the same thing. So if you're writing mathematics you'll
probably have TeX/LaTeX installed anyway, so the question is whether
you want to add an additional typesetting system that you'll use for
other typesetting or not.

Of course, if you have no need to do mathematical expressions the
above consideration doesn't apply.

cheers, dave tweed__________________________
computer vision reasearcher: david.tw...@gmail.com
"while having code so boring anyone can maintain it, use Python." --
attempted insult seen on slashdot

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